DIN Members
In 2014 a small group of community stakeholders met to consider how to foster increased digital inclusion in our community. This small group bloomed into the Digital Inclusion Network (DIN), a coalition of community organizations interested in raising awareness about digital equity barriers and developing solutions to bridging the digital divide. Relying on the Digital Equity Action Plan framework, the DIN continues to lead a path forward for public agencies, businesses, and community nonprofits to work together in a more efficient way.
The perks of being a DIN member include:
- Networking and professional development opportunities
- Increased access to funding opportunities
- Partnership and collaboration opportunities
- Access to volunteers
- Resource sharing and capacity building opportunities
- Access to public policy and advocacy professionals
- Becoming a Lead or Supporting Partner on DEAP implementation
The DIN welcomes community-based organizations and non-profits on the front lines of digital inclusion efforts, and local governments, businesses, schools, libraries, etc. to join our collective efforts. To join, contact us using the Feedback link at the bottom of the page or attend an upcoming DIN meeting. We look forward to meeting you!
DIN Meetings
The Digital Inclusion Network meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 2:30pm-3:30pm. Locations for the meetings change, so please contact us to receive notice of meeting dates/times and agenda at digitalequity@portlandoregon.gov and ask to be added to the DIN e-distribution list.
DIN Members engaged in DEAP implementation
Since the adoption of the Digital Equity Equity Action Plan (DEAP), the DIN, has grown to over 45 members, is staffed by the City of Portland Office for Community Technology (OCT) and the Library/County, and has demonstrated ongoing commitment to guide DEAP implementation efforts, pursue opportunities for greater community engagement, and meet monthly to check-in on project progress.
Under the current DEAP, eight (8) DIN Member organizations became Lead Partner organizations committed to developing and implementing projects, conducting impact measure data gathering, and sharing learnings. Lead Partners include: Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission, OCT, Citizens Utility Board, Free Geek, Home Forward, Multnomah County Library, Worksystems, and Portland Public School District. All DIN Members are Support Partners and are tasked with presenting annual reports, monitoring success and sharing the DEAP broadly with other organizations, agencies and individuals.
Roles & Responsibilities Defined:
LEAD: The City of Portland Office for Community Technology (OCT) and Multnomah County Library, with assistance from County staff, are tasked with overseeing implementation of and fostering community participation in the DEAP. As such, OCT and the Library are the ‘backbone’ organizations to this collective effort and are responsible for marshalling partnerships and resources, identifying common success measure data points and reporting progress to the Portland City Council and County Commission. Starting in FY16-17, the City hired a Digital Equity Program Coordinator and the Library provides staff and other resources to accomplish their lead roles in the DEAP.
LEAD PARTNER: The Lead Partner(s) is responsible for implementing the strategic action project(s), conducting success measure data gathering, sharing lessons learned, reporting our and showcasing project accomplishments.
SUPPORTING PARTNERS: Supporting Partners provide resource support, conduct outreach and build awareness, help engage residents in the project, and assist with success measure data gathering.